Ikygai, il marchio di Top Seeds International per i millennial
March 11, 2020
Top Seeds International: Mit neuer Marke für Generation Y auf der FRUIT LOGISTICA
March 17, 2020At Fruit Logistica in Berlin, Top Seeds International, Israel-headquartered
global vegetable seed company, has showcased Ikygai, a brand for fresh
produce and based on the Japanese concept of a balanced lifestyle
The mini plum was considered “sweet and fruity in flavour,” which meets expectations based on the product’s appearance.
Aimed at Generation Y, Ikygai has been launched following a series of focus groups, workshops and consumer testings.
Those born between the early 80s and the end of the 90s – with their strong focus on the quality of life, health and wellbeing – are the main target consumer group of Ikygai.
According to Top Seeds International, the Ikygai brand stems directly from consumer requirements, intercepted by the company through a series of product testings, carried out on potential traditional purchasers and a panel of experts.
The results of this survey, conducted over the course of 2019, revealed the increasingly pressing need for a brand that not
only encompasses fresh products but is synonymous with health, beauty, taste and inspiration.
The packaging, made of recycled clear plastic, meets the demands voiced by consumers during the testing stage, asking for simplicity, transparency and a clear view of the product inside, thus ensuring food and food quality stated the company.
With Ikygai Top Seeds International aims to focus on innovation, with the addition of premium quality products including peppers, cucumbers, melons, watermelons and onions.
Mini plum tomato is the first product in Ikygai line presented in Berlin Yuka – the mini plum tomato with uniform clusters of bright orange-coloured fruits weighing on average 20-25 grams – is the first product in the Ikygai line presented in Berlin. It has a good shelf-life with a firm, slightly crunchy fruits and a high Brix level.
Surveys conducted on sample consumer groups in the Netherlands during 2019 recorded huge appreciation. The mini plum was considered “sweet and fruity in flavour,” which meets expectations based on the product’s appearance.
Gianni Bernardotto, CEO of Top Seeds International, said that the company carried out this research to keep in step with the needs of the market. Top Seeds International aims to provide vegetable varieties with genetic resistance to a wide range of diseases, as per with the desirable characteristics for consumers.